Studio policy

  • As a safety measure we request that your personal member code is not shared with anyone outside of the studio. Please ensure you are locking the door upon entering/exiting the studio.

  • No outside clay or glaze until further notice. If outside clay or glaze is brought in, fired, and results in damage to the kiln or other work, the responsible party will be financially liable for repairs.

  • Be mindful during any ongoing lessons, by keeping your conversation to a respectful level.

  • Our day passes are a great opportunity to bring a friend or family member, please be accountable for your visitor by informing them of proper clean up and studio guidelines.

  • Do not take tools that are in people's personal storage area without asking permission, even if you intend to return it.

  • use your assigned shelf, please reframe from storing things on the ground or around the studio if its not in your personal shelf. unlabeled and misplaced things will result in a warning.

  • Please ensure your shelf is labeled with your name, as well as any tools or personal belongings.

  • Do not touch any person's work without their supervision. It can be hard to resist touching a beautiful mug, bowl etc. Greenware is extremely fragile and will break in your hand if mishandled.

  • Everyone that comes and uses the studio is requested to thoroughly clean up after yourselves; wedging table, work table, wheel, buckets, sponges/tools and around the wheel. Please return all tools to their proper space, 3 strikes will result in the cancellation of membership.

  • Please NO sweeping! This will only create a dust cloud that we want to avoid. Mopping only.

  • Help us conserve water and pipes by rinsing your things in the bucket sink. Feel free to fill up with clean water if needed.

  • Avoid working on bone dry work to prevent dust from going airborne. This will help keep our studio clean and free of dry clay particles that are responsible for silicosis (nobody wants that).

  • Please help keep the sink clean and studio tools organized.

  • Do not leave any clay or personal belongings in common areas.

  • We have a small fridge for foods and beverages, please ensure you are not leaving things to go bad.

  • Mudd Studio LLC is not liable for any and all injury that may occur due to misuse of the equipment provided in the studio.

  • Mudd Studio has the right to deny service to anyone who does not comply with the guidelines, or does not uphold our moral of creating a safe space for the community.

  • Workshop Cancellation/Rescheduling

    Please ensure your availability upon signing up for one of our workshops. Due to the limited number of spots per class, rescheduling is only permitted 2 weeks prior to the first class. Class cancellations are none refundable.

  • Membership cancellation

    We cannot issue refunds for monthly membership charges once they hit your account. It’s the member’s responsibility to cancel their membership on time to avoid further debits.

  • Please make sure to take all personal work and belongings once you cancel your membership and your 30 day payment cycle ends. We are not responsible for storing pieces/materials of any inactive member past their 30 payment cycle. Any materials or work left behind will be donated to the studio and is none refundable.

One Day Pass

  • The one day pass is reserved only for friends of members (members must be present in the studio), or people who have previously taken a 3 day workshop, or at least 1 private lesson lesson from Mudd Studio.

  • No unsupervised children. Children are allowed with their responsible parent or guardian. Unless signed up to a workshop or class with the required forms signed.

Thank you!